Kamis, 08 Mei 2008

Regulator : Telephone Service Quality is Decrease - Regulator : Kualitas Layanan Telepon Turun

Regulator : Telephone Service Quality is Decrease

BRTI is monitoring the telecommunication network belong to the operator who is descending the

quality after the tariff decrease on last April 1 in 2G & 3G service. Necessarily the operator must

keep attention to the quality although tariff is decreasing. Regulator already accepted the additional

request of the frequency from PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk, PT Telkomsel and PT Indosat Tbk.

(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Regulator : Kualitas Layanan Telepon Turun

BRTI sedang memantau jaringan telekomunikasi milik operator yang sedang menurun kualitasnya

setelah penurunan tariff pada 1 April baik pada layanan 2G dan 3G. Seharusnya operator tetap

memperhatikan kualitas walau tarif menurun. Regulator menyatakan sudah menerima permintaan

tambahan frekuensi dari PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk, PT Telkomsel dan PT Indosat Tbk.

(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)



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