Rabu, 30 April 2008

VOIP using Java Application - Voip Menggunakan Aplikasi berbasis Java

VOIP using Java Application : Skype recently announced the availability of a beta version of their latest application - just plain old Java (J2ME). That announcement made us cheer - at least for a moment that is - then we went on and read the fine print.The new Skype client ran just fine - no glitches or lags whatsoever. It logged in to our test Skype account pretty fast - both on a 2G network and on a 3G one. Making VoIP calls over the underpowered feature phone hardware may seem a mystery at first. But when you go on and read the fine print on Skype's website it turns out it that calls are not made over the data connection established by the Java client as it's usual for VoIP calls. Instead the client prompts you to dial a local transfer number (gateway) based on your number you have entered (now you see why there is a list of supported countries)
You can download Skype from the official website

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