PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia is operators who have deployed CDMA2000 in the 450 Mhz band. Ceria also provide Cheap unlimited Internet Access as known "Internet Murah Unlimited", its only Rp. 100.000, 00 or about $12 per month, using CDMA
Handset (Huawei ETS2058) + USB Cable + driver + Ruim Card. Usually you can access but actually today (April 28 th 2008) this site cannot be accessed.
for detail Profile please click link bellow :
Operator Name: | PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia |
Country: | Indonesia |
Technology: | CDMA2000 1X |
1G/2G Technology: | NMT 450 |
Type Of System: | Cellular |
Operating Frequency: | 450 MHz |
1X Status: | Commercial |
1X Launch Date: | April 19, 2004 |
Infrastructure Vendor: | Huawei |
Deployment Links: | Asia - Pacific - Indonesia |
2 komentar:
gimana cara mendapatkan perdana ceria sama pisik dan deposit ceria saya posisi counter di karang anyar jawa tengah
bagaimana saya bisa dapet fwtnya ceria yang bisa buat internetan soalnya saya telpon ke 082817001700 baik dari pstn matrix maupun starone ndak pernah bisa kalo ada petingginya di sini mohon kontak saya 08155550727 ato 0342-562852 nico posisi di saya di garum blitar makasih
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