Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Six Mobile Operators Guilty of Price Fixing

Six Mobile Operators Guilty of Price Fixing

Six mobile communications operators have been found guilty of cartel-like price fixing for text

message service (SMS), causing consumers some Rp 2.8 trillion (US$302.4 million) in losses. The

six operators found guilty by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) are XL,

Telkomsel, Telkom, Bakrie Telecom, Mobile – 8, Smart Telecom. “The six providers were proven to

hold arrangements among them to fix the prices of text messages at between Rp 250 and Rp

350from the year 2004 until April 2008,” Head of KPPU’s panel of judges Dedie S.Matadisastra

said. No prrof, however, was found on other parties under investigation by the competition

watchdog: PT Indosat, Hutchison CP Telecommunications and Natrindo Telepon Seluler (Axis).

The KPPU ordered Telkomsel and XL to pay fines of Rp 25 billion each, while Telkom, Mobile – 8

and Bakrie Telecom to pay Rp 18 billion, Rp 5 billion and Rp 4 billion, respectively. As for Smart

Telecom, Dedie said, “no fine is being imposed on the provider, as it was only involved in the price

fixing agreement September 2007, during its commercial launching.” Smart is the newest entrant

among them, making its bargaining position the weakest.” (JakartaPost-pg1)


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Telkomsel Subscriber in Pamasuka Reached 10,7 million

Telkomsel Subscriber in Pamasuka Reached 10,7 million

Telkomsel subscriber in Pamasuka (Papua, Maluku, Sulawesi and Kalimantan) have reached 10,7

million. 5,8 million subscriber have located in Sulmalirja (Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua) and 4,9 million

in Kalimantan. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Pelanggan Telkomsel di Pamasuka Capai 10,7 juta

Pelanggan Telkomsel di Pamasuka (Papua, Maluku, Sulawesi dan Kalimantan) telah mencapai

10,7 juta. Sebanyak 5,8 juta pelanggan berlokasi di Sulmalirja (Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua), dan 4,9

juta di Kalimantan. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


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XL Cooperates Three Contracts of Communication Solution

XL Cooperates Three Contracts of Communication Solution

PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk cooperates as a corporate service provider with Permata Bank, PT

Pam Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyia) and STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta. The cooperation between XL and

Permata Bank is including an effective & efficient telecommunication service provider. XL will give

GSM Korporat National Zone service and MPLS (multi protocol labal switching) service. Then with

PT Palyia as a leased line telecommunication service for 16 branch office, GSM Corporate User

Group and Blackberry service. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


XL Jalin Tiga Kontrak Solusi Komunikasi

PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk menjalin kontrak kerjasama penyedia layanan korporat dengan

Bank Permata, PT Pam Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyia) dan STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta. Kerjasama XL

dengan Bank Permata meliputi penyediaan layanan telekomunikasi yang efektif dan efisien. XL

akan memberikan layanan GSM Korporat National Zone dan layanan MPLS (multi protocol labal

switching). Dengan PT Palyia berupa penyediaan layanan telekomunikasi leased line untuk 16

lokasi kantor cabang, GSM Corporate User Group dan layanan Blackberry. (Bisnis IndonesiapgT8)


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4 Institutions Push The SKB of Join Tower

Ponsel Gratis : Smart Telecom melunucurkan Ponsel 120 Ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu.

Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Indosat Rilis Indosat StarOne Jelajah


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SMS Cartel Made Lost Rp 2,8 billion

SMS Cartel Made Lost Rp 2,8 billion

KPPU found that six operators are guilty for doing the SMS cartel tariff during 2004 – 2007 which is

made a consumer’s lost Rp 2,8 trillion, but KPPU only gave the charge to five operators. There are

PT Telkom Tbk Rp 18 billion, PT Telkomsel Tbk Rp 25 billion, PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk Rp 4 billion,

PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk Rp 25 billion, PT Mobile – 8 Telecom Tbk Rp 5 billion. PT Smart

Telecom has been proven to disobey Section 5 UU No.5/1999 but Smart Telecom is free from

charge. Based on the calculations by KPPU SMS tariff Rp 250 and Rp 350, production cost only

Rp 76 per SMS. (Bisnis Indonesia-pg1)


Kartel SMS Rugikan Rp 2,8 triliun

KPPU memvonis enam operator telah melakukan kartel tarif SMS selama 2004 – 2007 yang

merugikan pelanggan sebesar Rp 2,8 triliun, tetapi KPPU hanya menjatuhkan hukuman denda

kepada lima operator. Lima operator tsb adalah PT Telkom Tbk Rp 18 miliar, PT Telkomsel Tbk Rp

25 miliar, PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk Rp 4 miliar, PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk Rp 25 miliar, PT

Mobile – 8 Telecom Tbk Rp 5 miliar. Sedangkan PT Smart Telecom terbukti telah melanggar Pasal

5 UU No.5/1999 namun operator tsb tidak dikenakan denda. Berdasarkan perhitungan oleh KPPU

pada tingkat tarif SMS Rp 250 dan Rp 350 tersebut, biaya produksi SMS mencapai Rp 76 per

SMS. (Bisnis Indonesia-pg1)


related news  :

4 Institutions Push The SKB of Join Tower

Ponsel Gratis : Smart Telecom melunucurkan Ponsel 120 Ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu.

Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Indosat Rilis Indosat StarOne Jelajah



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Kamis, 19 Juni 2008

Sarindo Prepares 12 Dual On Handsets

Sarindo Prepares 12 Dual On Handsets

PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama ready to launch more than 12 local brand of dual on handsets until end

of 2008. sales & Marketing PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama Sung Khiun hopes D-One can compete with

global brand. Nowadays GSM handsets still dominated the market, its contributions have reached

65%. CDMA handsets have reached 20% and the rest is 3G handsets. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Sarindo Siapkan 12 Ponsel Dual On

PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama siap merilis sedikitnya 12 model ponsel dual on merek lokal hingga

akhir 2008. Sales & Marketing Executive PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama Sung Khiun berharap ponsel

D-One akan mampu bersaing dengan merek global. Saat ini ponsel GSM masih mendominasi

pasar, kontribusinya mencapai 65%. Ponsel CDMA mencapai 20% dan sisanya ponsel 3G.

(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)

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Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

The regulator is asked to be involved in talks SKTT

The regulator is asked to be involved in talks SKTT

Telecommunication operator and the executive of the kliring PT Pratama Jaringan Nusantara

doesn’t yet determines the decision and creating the telecommunications traffic kliring system

(SKTT), though the government’s deadline only in one week. Corporate Services Director PT

Bakrie Telecom Tbk, Rahmat Junaedi said his side accepted the government’s request to

immediately complete the SKTT negotiations process. He hopes anything that will become the

solution does not increase the new burden for the operator. Merza Fachys, Director & Chief

Corporate Affairs Mobile-8 Telecom hopes kliring system that is realized can fill the capacity, has a

quality and affordable. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Regulator Diminta Terlibat Perundingan SKTT

Pihak operator telekomunikasi dan pelaksana kliring PT Pratama Jaringan Nusantara belum

menentukan sikap dan menjalin kesepakatan sistem kliring trafik telekomunikasi (SKTT) padahal

tenggat pemerintah tinggal sepekan lagi. Corporate Services Director PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk

Rahmat Junaedi mengatakan pihaknya telah menerima permintaan pemerintah untuk segera

menyelesaikan proses negosiasi SKTT. Dia berharap apapun yang akan menjadi solusinya tidak

menambah beban baru bagi operator. Merza Fachys, Director & Chief Corporate Affairs Mobile-8

Telecom berharap system kliring yang terwujud dapat memenuhi kapasitas, berkualitas dan

murah. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


related news  :

4 Institutions Push The SKB of Join Tower

Ponsel Gratis : Smart Telecom melunucurkan Ponsel 120 Ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu.

Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Indosat Rilis Indosat StarOne Jelajah




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Smart Launched CDMA Push e-mail

Smart Launched CDMA Push e-mail

PT Smart Telecom pioneers push e-mail service in Indonesia. Smartmail was also equipped

antivirus and antispam. Nerwan, Marketing Public Relations Manager said in grapping the market,

we provided the handset package of Haier D1200P with price Rp 399.000. Only Rp 22.000 (include

PPN) Smatmail can be used for 30 days. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Smart Luncurkan Push e-mail CDMA

PT Smart Telecom memelopori layanan e-mail dorong (push e-mail) di Indonesia. Smartmail juga

telah dilengkapi antivirus dan antispam. Nerwan, Marketing Public Relations Manager mengatakan

dalam membidik pasar, kami menyediakan paket ponsel Haier D1200P dengan harga Rp 399.000.

Hanya dengan Rp 22.000 sudah termasuk PPN Smatmail dapat digunakan selama 30hari. (Bisnis



Related news :

Ponsel Gratis : Smart Telecom melunucurkan Ponsel 120 Ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu.

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4 Institutions Push The SKB of Join Tower

4 Institutions Push The SKB of Join Tower

The SKB agreement of four institutions about the guidance of the Development and the

Telecommunication Join Tower Usage immediately to approved. In the meantime, several regional

governments are stiff and too tight in using Permen No.2 2008 about the tower. (Bisnis IndonesiapgT7)


4 Instansi Dorong SKB Menara Bersama

Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) empat instansi tentang pedoman Pembangunan dan

Penggunaan Menara Bersama Telekomunikasi segera dikejar untuk disahkan. Sementara itu

sejumlah Pemda dinilai kaku dan terlalu kencang menggunakan Permen No.2 Tahun 2008 tentang



related :

Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Indosat Rilis Indosat StarOne Jelajah



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Indosat Launched Celebrity Planet

Indosat Launched Celebrity Planet

PT Indosat Tbk launched Celebrity Planet, with this feature Indosat subscriber can get all

information about his/her idol, such as gossip or rumors, I-ring, Photo, Quiz.. (Bisnis IndonesiapgT8)


Indosat Luncurkan Planet Selebriti

PT Indosat Tbk meluncurkan layanan Arena Planet Selebriti, fitur yang memungkinkan pelanggan

untuk memperoleh segala hal tentang selebritas idolanya, seperti berita atau gosip, I-ring, Foto,

Kuis. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


related :

Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Indosat Rilis Indosat StarOne Jelajah


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Indosat Increase Subscriber Target

Indosat Increase Subscriber Target

PT Indosat Tbk revises the growth target of the customer in 2008, from 6 million numbers up to 8

million numbers, so the subscriber total in the end of this year predicted can get 32 million

subscribers. Syakieb Sungkar, Director of Sales Regional Indosat said the success of the

promotion and the retail tariff decreasing per last April make the number of subscriber growth fast,

increase 5.5 million numbers only in five months. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Indosat Naikkan Target Pelanggan

PT Indosat Tbk merevisi target pertumbuhan pelanggan pada 2008 ini dari 6 juta nomor menjadi 8

juta nomor, sehingga total pelanggan akhir tahun nanti diproyeksikan 32 juta pelanggan. Syakieb

Sungkar, Direktur Sales Regional Indosat mengungkapkan keberhasilan promosi dan penurunan

tariff ritel per April lalu membuat jumlah pelanggan melesat cepat, yakni penambahan 5,5 juta

nomor hanya dalam waktu lima bulan. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


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Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Indosat Rilis Indosat StarOne Jelajah

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Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

The Increasing of Local Operator and CDMA Handset

The Increasing of Local Operator and CDMA Handset

Bargaining trend of handset bundling with CDMA handset is increasing. Fren offers the cheap

package Rp 168.000 per handset that receives the good response. Even so the other operator that

offers Rp 190.000 per package. So only with the price less than Rp 200.000 customers could have

the cellular phone and sim card. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Bundling Operator Lokal dan Ponsel CDMA Meningkat

Tren penawaran handset bundling dengan vendor ponsel CDMA meningkat. Fren menawarkan

paket murah Rp 168.000 per ponsel yang mendapat respons yang baik. Begitu juga operator lain

yang menawarkan Rp 190.000 per paket. Jadi hanya dengan harga kurang dari Rp 200.000

pelanggan sudah bisa memiliki ponsel dan kartu perdana. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


related news :

Indonesian Telecomunication News

Indonesian Telecomunication News


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Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Indosat & Mandiri Cooperates

Bank Mandiri & Indosat is doing testing of Indosat Mandiri Pre-paid service, that is a micro

payment service based on cellular phone with Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology, that

claimed to be the first in Indonesia. The money is not in the card but stored in the Indosat SIM,

user only need to plug the SIM card inside Bank Mandiri merchant’s electronic device

(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Indosat & Mandiri Bekerjasama

Bank Mandiri & Indosat melakukan uji coba layanan Indosat Mandiri Prabayar yaitu layanan micro

payment berbasis telepon seluler dengan menggunakan teknologi Near Field Communication

(NFC) yang diklaim sebagai pertama di Indonesia. Jadi uang bukan tersimpan di kartu melainkan

di SIM Indosat, jadi pengguna tinggal menempelkan ponsel yang telah dilengkapi NFC ke

perangkat di merchant-merchant Bank Mandiri. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


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Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

Telkom Set To Spend Trillions On Upgrade

Telkom Set To Spend Trillions On Upgrade

PT Telkom, the country’s largest telecommunications company, has allocated Rp 2 trillion

(US$214.9 million) to upgrade its internet services. ‘The funds will be used to upgrade our main

fiber-optic network, which is connected to our Speedy Internet service, to improve connection

speeds,” Edia Kurnia, Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communication said Tuesday.

(Jakarta Post-pg13)


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Indonesian Telecomunication News

Indonesian Telecomunication News

Indonesian Telecomunication News

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Indosat is Ready to Cooperate with Qtel

Indosat is Ready to Cooperate with Qtel

Guntur S.Siboro, Marketing Director PT Indosat Tbk said the opportunity of the business cooperation

with Qatar Telecom will be considered because of the Indosat communication traffic to

Middle East, and the biggest at this time is Saudi Arabia. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Indosat Siap Kerjasama Layanan Dengan Qtel

Guntur S.Siboro, Direktur Pemasaran PT Indosat Tbk menuturkan peluang kerjasama bisnis

dengan operator Qatar Telecom akan dipertimbangkan karena trafik komunikasi pelanggan

Indosat ke Timur Tengah yang terbesar saat ini adalah Arab Saudi. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)



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Smart Cooperates with 2 Handset Vendors from China

Smart Cooperates with 2 Handset Vendors from China

PT Smart Telecom cooperates with 2 handset vendors from China, ZTE and Haier for increasing

the penetration of cellular subscriber. Tom Alamas Dinharsa, Head of Marketing explains that our

development teams are ready and we see the visibility with ZTE and Haier. Smart is targeting to

add Smart Gallery from 31 up to 70 until in this year. Smart launched promotion program, buy

pulsa get free handset, just buy pulsa Rp 190.000, customer can get handset ZTE-175 or ZTE-176.

(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Smart Gandeng 2 Vendor China

PT Smart Telecom menjalin kerjasama dengan dua vendor ponsel China yaitu ZTE dan Haier

untuk meningkatkan penetrasi pelanggan seluler. Tom Alamas Dinharsa, Head of Marketing

menjelaskan bahwa tim pengembangan kami sudah siap dan kami lihat visibilitas dengan ZTE dan

Haier. Smart menargetkan dapat menambah Galeri Smart dari 31 menjadi 70 galeri hingga akhir

tahun ini. Smart menggelar program promo beli pulsa gratis ponsel yaitu dengan pembelian pulsa

Rp 190.000 pembeli berhak mendapatkan ponsel ZTE-175 atau ZTE-176. (Bisnis IndonesiapgT7)


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XL Demonstrate The Corporate Service

XL Demonstrate The Corporate Service

XL demonstrate several communications solution for future generation such as communication

based on IP, Fixed Mobile Convergence, Internet telephone based and dedicated Internet

Connection. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


XL Pamerkan Layanan Korporasi

XL memamerkan beragam solusi komunikasi seperti jaringan generasi masa depan berbasis IP,

teknologi Fixed Mobile Convergence, layanan berbasis telepon Internet dan layanan Internet

Dedicated Connection. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


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Indosat Launch StarOne Jelajah

Indosat Launch StarOne Jelajah

PT Indosat launches StarOne Jelajah and StarOne Duo. StarOne Jelajah is Multi Number service

for StarOne postpaid and StarOne prepaid that love to travel to other cities. (Bisnis IndonesiapgT8)



Indosat Rilis StarOne Jelajah

PT Indosat meluncurkan StarOne Jelajah dan StarOne Duo. StarOne Jelajah adalah layanan Multi

Number bagi pelanggan StarOne pascabayar dan StarOne prabayar yang sering melakukan

perjalanan berpindah dari satu kota ke kota lainnya. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)

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Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Qtel Janji Patuhi Keputusan MA

Qtel Janji Patuhi Keputusan MA

Qatar Telecom QSC (Qtel) memastikan akan mematuhi keputusan Mahkamah Agung (MA) terkait dengan transaksi pengambil alihan 40,8% saham PT Indosat senilai  US$1,8 miliar milik Asia Mobile Holding Pte Ltd (AMH). Perusahaan itu juga segera menggelar penawaran tender pada Juli, menyusul rencana penyelesaian pengambil alihan 40,8% saham PT Indosat Tbk milik AMH pada akhir bulan ini. KPPU menghimbau Qtel untuk menghormati proses hukum yang tengah berlangsung di MA.

(Bisnis Indonesia-hal 1)


Related :

ARPU Indosat Turun 17%



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KPPU Punya Tarif Minimal SMS

KPPU Punya Tarif Minimal SMS

Komisi Pengawas Persaingan usaha (KPPU)

telah mengantungi kisaran harga ritel layanan

pesan singkat (SMS) ideal. Kisarannya akan

diterangkan pada publik setelah Sidang Majelis

KPPU memutuskan perkara tentang kartel SMS

yang dijadwalkan pada Kamis (19/6). Untuk

proses pemeriksaan Perkara No.26/KPPUL/

2007, Sidang Komisi KPPU telah memanggil

PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk, PT

Telekomunikasi Selular, PT Indosat, PT Mobile-

8 Telecom, PT Smart Telecm, dan PT Natrindo

Seluler. (Investor Daily, Indopos-hal 24, 19)


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Telkom Built 180 Internet Hotspots

Telkom Built 180 Internet Hotspots

Telkom Regional Division II Jakarta built 180 internet hotspots using Speedy access in

Jabodetabek. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Telkom Bangun 180 Hotspot Internet

Telkom Divisi Regional II Jakarta sudah membangun 180 hotspot internet menggunakan akses

Speedy di sekitar Jabodetabek. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


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Telkomsel Reached Highest Score

Telkomsel Reached Highest Score

PT Telkomsel reached the highest score in Service Quality Award 2008 that calculated the highest

satisfaction level was based on the survey of 1,600 respondents. Telkomsel reached exceptional

predicate with the value index 3.9449 from total average in the cellular telecommunications

industry and fixed wireless access that only 3,8842. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Telkomsel Raih Skor Tertinggi

PT Telkomsel meraih peringkat tertinggi dalam ajang Service Quality Award 2008 yang mengukur

tingkat kepuasan pelayanan tertinggi berdasarkan survei terhadap 1.600 responden. Telkomsel

meraih predikat exceptional dengan nilai indeks 3.9449 dari total rata-rata industri telekomunikasi

seluler dan akses tetap nirkabel yang hanya 3.8842. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


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Indosat ARPU Decrease 17%

Indosat ARPU Decrease 17%

Indosat ARPU decrease 17% from Rp 52.000 down to Rp 43.000 but Indosat Management still

optimistic can reach an additional numbers eight million new subscriber. In this year Indosat is

allocating capex US$ 1,2 billion which is 83% will used for build the infrastructure of cellular

network. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


ARPU Indosat Turun 17%

Pendapatan rata – rata per pelanggan atau ARPU Indosat turun 17% dari Rp 52.000 menjadi Rp

43.000 tetapi management PT Indosat Tbk tetap optimis tahun ini dapat menjaring penambahan

delapan juta nomor pelanggan baru. Pada tahun ini Indosat mengalokasikan belanja modal

sebesar US$ 1,2 milliar yang 83% akan digunakan untuk membangun infrastruktur jaringan seluler.

(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


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Jumat, 06 Juni 2008

Indosat Build BTS With Alternative Energy

Indosat Build BTS With Alternative Energy

With the difficulty of electricity problem outside Java and the increase of oil fuel price, lead PT

Indosat Tbk to do the BTS test-drive program with alternative energy. BTS powered by solar

energy, wind blow and bio-fuel from palm oil. With the investment Rp 1.5 billion this alternative

energy BTS will be build in Girisari (Uluwatu, Bali) and in Labuan (Lombok Island). PT Indosat plan

to build 50 BTS. (WartaKotas-pg24)


Indosat Bangun BTS Bertenaga Alternatif

langkanya pasokan listrik di luar jawa serta kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak, PT Indosat Tbk

mengadakan program uji coba BTS dengan energi alternatif. BTS ini digerakkan oleh energi sinar

matahari, angina dan biofuel berbahan dasar kelapa sawit. dengan investasi Rp 1.5 miliar BTS

energi alternatif ini dibangun di Girisari (Uluwatu, Bali) dan di Labuan (Lombok). Rencananya akan

dibangun 50 BTS dengan energi alternatif. (WartaKotas-pg24)


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Telkom Strengthens the Flexi Network in Central Java

Telkom Strengthens the Flexi Network in Central Java

PT Telkom Regional IV in Central Java and Yogyakarta is accelerating the realization of 180 new

BTS units development to support the increasing of Flexi service. The infrastructure expected can

support the new program from Flexi Jumbo Bonus that offered an affordable tariff start from June 1

until August 31, 2008. This program is giving a flat tariff Rp49 per minute and SMS to on-net Rp

5.000 per month. Arif Nurjayanto, Manager Sales Planning Telkom in Central Java and Yogyakarta

said to reach 1 million subscriber, Flexi join cooperate with PT Metro Tech Jaya Komunika that

producing handset with brand Nexian Generation for CDMA. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Telkom Perkuat Jaringan Flexi di Jawa Tengah

PT Telkom Regional IV Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta mempercepat realisasi pembangunan 180

unit BTS baru untuk mendukung peningkatan pelayanan telepon Flexi. Infrastruktur tersebut

diharapkan mampu mendukung program baru dari Flexi Jumbo Bonus yang memberikan tarif

murah mulai 1 Juni sampai 31 Agustus 2008. Program ini memberikan tarif flat Rp 49 per menit

dan SMS sepuasnya kepada sesama Flexi Rp 5.000 setiap bulan. Arif Nurjayanto, Manager Sales

Planning Telkom Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta mengatakan untuk meraih 1 juta pelanggan, Flexi

bekerjasama dengan vendor PT Metro Tech Jaya Komunika yang memproduksi handset merek

Nexian Generation untuk CDMA. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


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Ponsel Gratis Smart : Smart Telecom meluncurkan Ponsel 120 Ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu

Ponsel Gratis Smart : Smart Telecom meluncurkan Ponsel 120 Ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu.

Smart telecom kembali meluncurkan Ponsel 120 ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu. Smart – telecom bergerilya dengan open tabelnya ke mall – mall dan kampus – kampus, harga ponsel dibundling 120 ribu dapat pulsa 120 ribu jadi harga ponsel gratis! Jika pembelian dilakukan di mall atau swalayan syaratnya struk belanja di mall atau swalaya tersebut minimal 150 ribu. Jika pembelian dilakukan oleh mahasiswa hanya menunjukkan kartu mahasiwa dan KTP.



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Ponsel Gratis Smart : Ponsel 120 Ribu dapat Gratis 120 ribu - Chatterbox Smart Telecom

Ponsel Gratis : Smart Telecom melunucurkan Ponsel 120 Ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu.

Smart telecom kembali meluncurkan Ponsel 120 ribu gratis pulsa 120 ribu. Smart – telecom bergerilya dengan open tabelnya ke mall – mall dan kampus – kampus, harga ponsel dibundling 120 ribu dapat pulsa 120 ribu jadi harga ponsel gratis!



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Indosat Targets 6 million New Subscriber

Indosat Targets 6 million New Subscriber

PT Indosat Tbk is targeting 6 million new subscriber in this year, increasing 25% compare than the

subscriber amount last year that reached 24,5 million numbers. To reach the target, Syakieb A

Sungkar, Regional Sales Director Indosat said on of the strategies is continuously built the

infrastructure, “We build 3000 BTS every year.” On Information and Communication Technology

Expo 2008, Indosat launched the new content, such as i-Chatting, i-Dictionary and i-Movie. On the

other development, Indosat is presenting HSPA Phase 2 access and HSUPA with data speed until

14,4 Mbps and uplink speed until 1,4 Mbps. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Indosat Incar 6 juta Pengguna Baru

PT Indosat Tbk menargetkan enam juta pelanggan baru tahun ini, meningkat 25% dibandingkan

dengan jumlah pelanggan tahun lalu yang mencapai 24,5 juta nomor. Untuk mencapai target

tersebut, Syakieb A. Sungkar, Regional Sales Director Indosat mengatakan salah satu strategi

Indosat adalah terus membangun infrastruktur, ”kami membangun 3000 BTS setiap tahunnya.”

Dalam kesempatan Information and Communication Technology Expo 2008, Indosat meluncurkan

konten terbaru seperti i-Chatting, i-Kamus dan i-Movie. Dalam perkembangan lainnya, Indosat

memperkenalkan akses HSPA Phase 2 dan HSUPA untuk kecepatan data hingga 14, 4 Mbps dan

kecepatan uplink data hingga 1,4 Mbps. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


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Telkom Increases the Speedy Access

Telkom Increases the Speedy Access

PT Telecommunication Indonesia Tbk is presenting the Speedy access with speed 1 Mbps. In the

first pace Speedy service with speed 1 Mbps only enjoyed in some area. Next, Telkom will

continue to expand its network coverage to several areas in Indonesia. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)



Telkom Tingkatkan Kecepatan Speedy

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk menggelar layanan akses Speedy dengan kecepatan 1 Mbps.

Tahap pertama layanan Speedy dengan kecepatan hingga 1 Mbps baru bisa dinikmati di beberapa

daerah. Selanjutnya Telkom akan terus memperluas jangkauan hingga ke berbagai daerah di

Indonesia. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)

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