Kamis, 19 Juni 2008

Sarindo Prepares 12 Dual On Handsets

Sarindo Prepares 12 Dual On Handsets

PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama ready to launch more than 12 local brand of dual on handsets until end

of 2008. sales & Marketing PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama Sung Khiun hopes D-One can compete with

global brand. Nowadays GSM handsets still dominated the market, its contributions have reached

65%. CDMA handsets have reached 20% and the rest is 3G handsets. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Sarindo Siapkan 12 Ponsel Dual On

PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama siap merilis sedikitnya 12 model ponsel dual on merek lokal hingga

akhir 2008. Sales & Marketing Executive PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama Sung Khiun berharap ponsel

D-One akan mampu bersaing dengan merek global. Saat ini ponsel GSM masih mendominasi

pasar, kontribusinya mencapai 65%. Ponsel CDMA mencapai 20% dan sisanya ponsel 3G.

(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)

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