Sarindo Prepares 12 Dual On Handsets
PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama ready to launch more than 12 local brand of dual on handsets until end
of 2008. sales & Marketing PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama Sung Khiun hopes D-One can compete with
global brand. Nowadays GSM handsets still dominated the market, its contributions have reached
65%. CDMA handsets have reached 20% and the rest is 3G handsets. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)
Sarindo Siapkan 12 Ponsel Dual On
PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama siap merilis sedikitnya 12 model ponsel dual on merek lokal hingga
akhir 2008. Sales & Marketing Executive PT Sarindo Nusa Pratama Sung Khiun berharap ponsel
D-One akan mampu bersaing dengan merek global. Saat ini ponsel GSM masih mendominasi
pasar, kontribusinya mencapai 65%. Ponsel CDMA mencapai 20% dan sisanya ponsel 3G.
(Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)
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