Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

The regulator is asked to be involved in talks SKTT

The regulator is asked to be involved in talks SKTT

Telecommunication operator and the executive of the kliring PT Pratama Jaringan Nusantara

doesn’t yet determines the decision and creating the telecommunications traffic kliring system

(SKTT), though the government’s deadline only in one week. Corporate Services Director PT

Bakrie Telecom Tbk, Rahmat Junaedi said his side accepted the government’s request to

immediately complete the SKTT negotiations process. He hopes anything that will become the

solution does not increase the new burden for the operator. Merza Fachys, Director & Chief

Corporate Affairs Mobile-8 Telecom hopes kliring system that is realized can fill the capacity, has a

quality and affordable. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


Regulator Diminta Terlibat Perundingan SKTT

Pihak operator telekomunikasi dan pelaksana kliring PT Pratama Jaringan Nusantara belum

menentukan sikap dan menjalin kesepakatan sistem kliring trafik telekomunikasi (SKTT) padahal

tenggat pemerintah tinggal sepekan lagi. Corporate Services Director PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk

Rahmat Junaedi mengatakan pihaknya telah menerima permintaan pemerintah untuk segera

menyelesaikan proses negosiasi SKTT. Dia berharap apapun yang akan menjadi solusinya tidak

menambah beban baru bagi operator. Merza Fachys, Director & Chief Corporate Affairs Mobile-8

Telecom berharap system kliring yang terwujud dapat memenuhi kapasitas, berkualitas dan

murah. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT8)


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