Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

SMS Cartel Made Lost Rp 2,8 billion

SMS Cartel Made Lost Rp 2,8 billion

KPPU found that six operators are guilty for doing the SMS cartel tariff during 2004 – 2007 which is

made a consumer’s lost Rp 2,8 trillion, but KPPU only gave the charge to five operators. There are

PT Telkom Tbk Rp 18 billion, PT Telkomsel Tbk Rp 25 billion, PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk Rp 4 billion,

PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk Rp 25 billion, PT Mobile – 8 Telecom Tbk Rp 5 billion. PT Smart

Telecom has been proven to disobey Section 5 UU No.5/1999 but Smart Telecom is free from

charge. Based on the calculations by KPPU SMS tariff Rp 250 and Rp 350, production cost only

Rp 76 per SMS. (Bisnis Indonesia-pg1)


Kartel SMS Rugikan Rp 2,8 triliun

KPPU memvonis enam operator telah melakukan kartel tarif SMS selama 2004 – 2007 yang

merugikan pelanggan sebesar Rp 2,8 triliun, tetapi KPPU hanya menjatuhkan hukuman denda

kepada lima operator. Lima operator tsb adalah PT Telkom Tbk Rp 18 miliar, PT Telkomsel Tbk Rp

25 miliar, PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk Rp 4 miliar, PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk Rp 25 miliar, PT

Mobile – 8 Telecom Tbk Rp 5 miliar. Sedangkan PT Smart Telecom terbukti telah melanggar Pasal

5 UU No.5/1999 namun operator tsb tidak dikenakan denda. Berdasarkan perhitungan oleh KPPU

pada tingkat tarif SMS Rp 250 dan Rp 350 tersebut, biaya produksi SMS mencapai Rp 76 per

SMS. (Bisnis Indonesia-pg1)


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