Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Telkomsel Reached Highest Score

Telkomsel Reached Highest Score

PT Telkomsel reached the highest score in Service Quality Award 2008 that calculated the highest

satisfaction level was based on the survey of 1,600 respondents. Telkomsel reached exceptional

predicate with the value index 3.9449 from total average in the cellular telecommunications

industry and fixed wireless access that only 3,8842. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


Telkomsel Raih Skor Tertinggi

PT Telkomsel meraih peringkat tertinggi dalam ajang Service Quality Award 2008 yang mengukur

tingkat kepuasan pelayanan tertinggi berdasarkan survei terhadap 1.600 responden. Telkomsel

meraih predikat exceptional dengan nilai indeks 3.9449 dari total rata-rata industri telekomunikasi

seluler dan akses tetap nirkabel yang hanya 3.8842. (Bisnis Indonesia-pgT7)


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